Every drop goes into producing the food we love.
Every day, 360 000 brand new humans are born. That’s about the population of Bloemfontein. And every day, the earth stays exactly the same size.
Is that scary?
Relax. We’re not trying to scare you. There’s enough space for all of us, but the planet’s resources are limited, so we have to start boxing clever, and stop wasting.
That goes for everything we use: Are you recycling your glass, paper, and plastic? Big pats on the back if you are.
Sit in the naughty corner if you don’t recycle anything.
But we need to stop wasting water, too – and electricity, and even leftover food, because the more we throw away, the more pressure there is on the earth to replace what we threw away.
The area where most of Natures Garden veggies are grown, is still suffering from the effects of a devastating drought, and the level of the Loskop Dam, which supplies water to our farmers, is still very low.
So let’s not be Loskop-Scatter-brained with our water. Every drop goes into producing the food we love.
PS Natures Garden farmers get ten out of ten for being resourceful. The pea hay (left overs after peas are picked) is used as cattle fodder. And it’s similar in nutritional value as lucerne, but easier to digest.