Find some activity you actually like – that also gets your heart pumping.
Ugh. After years of sporadic guest appearances at your local gym, you suddenly stopped going. Why? Because you got tired of fighting for a parking spot in the basement, and then queuing to use a stationary bike, where, once in the saddle, you get a panoramic view of a stranger’s rear. And the view did not improve in the change rooms, either.You realise that this regular exercise thing felt like a duty. Like visiting a grumpy old aunty, or going to the dentist. All three offered similar amounts of fun and enjoyment.
But then you remember the wise words of a friend: “Look, if you want to stick to it, find something you enjoy doing, and make that your exercise.”
I enjoy watching old ‘80s pop videos while eating deep-fried chicken nuggets, you say.
Apparently that didn’t count.
Find some activity you actually like – that also gets your heart pumping, they tell you.
But you liked listening to music from the ‘80s. (No judging, please. Depeche Mode were brilliant. It’s impossible to stand still while the DJ plays Alphaville, Wham! or Blondie. Eighties music was made to ensure that wedding guests stayed on after the speeches.)
So these days, instead of jousting for a parking bay in order to gain entry into the ab and pec palace, you now dance in your living room for a good half hour every day. The view is better, there’s no membership fee, and no queuing.
Time to start thinking outside of the old box about other things too.
Like food.
Like chicken nuggets. Is there a healthy but as more-ish alternative? Yes, there is: broccoli bites cooked and rolled in coconut oil and sesame. Try them. They’re a lot better for you than visiting your grumpy old aunt.
2 cups Natures Garden broccoli florets
½ cup coconut oil, warmed
½ cup toasted sesame seeds
½ cup olive oil
Sauté the broccoli florets in olive oil, cool for a minute, then roll them in
coconut oil and sesame mix. Serve warm.