Life made simple

Could you do a year without plastic? Or just say no to the straw and the take-out cup?


One storekeeper – a potter’s shop – who we spoke to while discussing lifestyle changes and old habits, says she’s noticed several customers are saying no to bubble wrap and prefer to carry their goods out of her store in a box or in their own canvas bag – or simply take the goods and place them directly in their car boot, wrapped in old newspaper.

“A couple from Los Angeles came into my store with their own newspaper to wrap up their purchases, saying they’d committed to a whole ‘year of no plastic’,” said the ceramic artist.

Another, a coffee shop owner, said an increasing number of customers bring in their own cups when they come in for take outs, and more and more of his regulars are ‘saying no to the

The earth will love your human kindness.

straw’. According to this guy, kids are taking the lead. ‘Children are often a lot more conscious than many adults – and they’re teaching their parents well!’

This is great to hear. Why not try a year without plastic? Or if you’re not quite ready to go all the way, then just say no to the straw and the take-out cup, and consider making 2018 the year when you make sure you recycle every bit of plastic and other non-organic waste that comes into your life.

The earth will love your human kindness.

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